Historical fiction book clubs chicago

The fountains of silence is also marie claires book club pick this month. We have welcomed worldwide members from over 171 countries. Get to know the chicago public librarys masterpiece book group. Book clubs might discuss how both intense love affairs and the scars of war and other traumatic events stick with a person for years, if not an entire lifetime. Cals book club kits historical fiction chicago public library. Set in the early 20th century and spans 30 years, the story is told in the main protagonists celies letters to god. I love to read so my reading tastes are pretty broad, but today im suggesting historical fiction always a great book club choice. Heres a look at some book club groups near chicago. When i started working at west belmont branch on chicagos northwest side a year ago. Reading about another time and place another culture and in some cases a completely different thought process can fire up emotions and with that comes great book club conversation. Find groups in chicago, illinois about book clubs and meet people in your local community who share your interests. Reading group guidesbook club discussion guides for the historical fiction category. Book clubs welcoming readers with open pages chicago tribune.

Our adult book clubs at the chicago public library have been in. Book club reading recommendations the american writers. A list of historical fiction titles available in the cals book. Of the more than 140 discussions bookbrowse has hosted to date, the winter soldier tops the charts with the highest number of posts, so your book club is certainly not going to run out. How book clubs around the western suburbs are satisfying the thirst for. One of the greatest pieces of african american literature and one of my favorite books. Bentley leads the federalist papers which is a long term discussion. Aprils book is a random walk down wall street by burton g malkiel. We wound up reading all of shakespeares history plays.

Fed up with life in decrepit innercity tenements, a group of african. A shared love of books west suburban living february 2019. Find recommended titles and blog posts from chicago public library staff. A historical curiosity, the first chicago novela new york clergymans didactic tale. Worldwide bestselling dazzling storyteller associated press isabel allende returns with a sweeping novel about three very different people who are brought together in a mesmerizing story that journeys from presentday brooklyn to guatemala in the recent past to 1970s chile and brazil. Historical fiction is often popular with book clubs. The authors first novel, coming three years after the national book. Mystery discussion group third saturday of the month and history. Historical fiction book clubs these videos will help understand the historical fiction book you may be reading. Josie silver is back at book of the month other botms include one day in december. Book club members and voracious readers alike will find something to pique their interest. Please join us for virtual book clubs, author events, and story time. City lit books a book lovers bookstore chicago, il logan square. Then chicago paranormal romance book club is the place to be.